Horror, Thriller
After the discovery of a mysterious VHS tape, a brutish police SWAT team launches a high-intensity raid on a remote warehouse, only to discover a sinister cult compound whose collection of pre-recorded material uncovers a nightmarish conspiracy. ...
Anna Hopkins
Anthony Christian Potenza
Brian Paul
Holly Marciano (segment "Storm Drain")
Anna Hopkins
Popularity : 22.825
Jeff (segment "Storm Drain")
Anthony Christian Potenza
Popularity : 6.95
Pastor (segment "Storm Drain")
Brian Paul
Popularity : 10.067
Mark (segment "Storm Drain")
Tim Campbell
Popularity : 4.115
Camille (segment "Storm Drain")
Gina Phillips
Popularity : 0.132
Raatma (segment "Storm Drain")
Thiago Dos Santos
Popularity : 0.4
Storm Dweller (segment "Storm Drain")
Kyle Durack
Popularity : 0.069
Storm Dweller (segment "Storm Drain")
Demetri Kellesis
Popularity : 0.597
Veggie Masher Pitch Man (segment "Veggie Masher")
Conor Sweeney
Popularity : 3.267
Hayley (segment "The Empty Wake")
Kyal Legend
Popularity : 0.37
Andrew Edwards (segment "The Empty Wake")
Devin Chin-Cheong
Popularity : 0.001
Gustav (segment "The Empty Wake")
Daniel Matmor
Popularity : 5.725
Ronald (segment "The Empty Wake")
Adam Kenneth Wilson
Popularity : 0.829
Tim (segment "The Empty Wake")
David Reale
Popularity : 10.974
S.A. (segment "The Subject")
Shania Sree Maharani
Popularity : 0.17
Male Subject (segment "The Subject")
Shahabi Sakri
Popularity : 0.001
Male Subject Alpha (segment "The Subject")
Daniel Eka Putra
Popularity : 3.113
The Creator (segment "The Subject")
Budi Ros
Popularity : 2.234
Capt. Hassan (Segment: The Subject)
Donny Alamsyah
Popularity : 13.913
Jono (segment "The Subject")
Juan Bio One
Popularity : 11.641
Ali (segment "The Subject")
Vincent Martin
Popularity : 0.001
Jaka (segment "The Subject")
Novi Rahmat Hidayat
Popularity : 0.001
Failed Subject (segment "The Subject")
Sekar Dewantari
Popularity : 0.001
Spider Subject (segment "The Subject")
Andhika Martsans
Popularity : 0.001
Announcer (segment "The Subject")
Andini Effendi
Popularity : 0.001
SWAT 1 (segment "The Subject")
Mardi Sulaiman
Popularity : 0.001
SWAT 2 (segment "The Subject")
Isman Kurniawan
Popularity : 0.001
SWAT 3 (segment "The Subject")
Achmad Basuni
Popularity : 0.001
SWAT 4 (segment "The Subject")
Eko Kurnianto
Popularity : 0.001
SWAT 5 (segment "The Subject")
Boy Arisandi
Popularity : 0.001
Greg (segment "Terror")
Christian Lloyd
Popularity : 7.083
Cameraman Bob (segment "Terror")
Thomas Mitchell Barnet
Popularity : 1.969
Chuck (segment "Terror")
Cameron Knetelman
Popularity : 0.001
Jimmy (segment "Terror")
Steven McCarthy
Popularity : 17.332
Prisoner (segment "Terror")
Brendan McMurtry-Howlett
Popularity : 0.388
Steve (segment "Terror")
Slavic Rogozine
Popularity : 0.569
Wayne (segment "Terror")
Daniel Williston
Popularity : 0.535
Slater (segment "Terror")
Dru Viergever
Popularity : 11.008
Petro (segment "Terror")
Kimmy Choi
Popularity : 6.676
Nash (segment "Terror")
Nicolette Pearse
Popularity : 10.608
Sprayberry (segment "Holly Hell")
Thomas Mitchell
Popularity : 12.294
Slater (segment "Holly Hell")
Dru Viergever
Popularity : 11.008
Spivey (segment "Holly Hell")
Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll
Popularity : 3.203
Oursler (segment "Holly Hell")
Dax Ravina
Popularity : 8.501
Cameraman Gary (segment "Holly Hell")
Kevin P. Gabel
Popularity : 0.554
Tom Tucker (segment "Holly Hell")
William Jordan
Popularity : 0.84