Halo Legends
Animation, War, Action
The universe of the Halo video game series is expanded in seven short animated films from Japan's greatest anime directors and studios. ...
Luci Christian
David Wald
Emily Neves
Female Soldier ("Prototype") / Kelly ("The Package")
Luci Christian
Popularity : 13.566
Master Chief
David Wald
Popularity : 1.226
Spartan ("The Babysitter")
Emily Neves
Popularity : 2.733
Cortana / Dr. Halsey
Shelley Calene-Black
Popularity : 2.606
Haka (segment "The Duel")
Jessie James Grelle
Popularity : 2.416
Sister (segment "Odd One Out")
Brittney Karbowski
Popularity : 2.701
Kid A (segment "Odd One Out")
Greg Ayres
Popularity : 3.934
Sarge (segment "Prototype") / Joseph (segment "Homecoming")
David Anthony Matranga
Popularity : 4.358
ONI Commander (segment "Prototype")
Akio Otsuka
Popularity : 34.6
Brother (segment "Odd One Out")
Tomokazu Seki
Popularity : 29.154
The Prophet (segment "The Duel")
Kazuhiko Inoue
Popularity : 25.823
Dr. Halsey (segment "The Package")
Atsuko Tanaka
Popularity : 33.874
Big Brother (segment "Odd One Out")
Chris Patton
Popularity : 0.155
Captain (segment "Odd One Out")
John Swasey
Popularity : 7.384
Sergeant Hauser (segment "Homecoming")
John Swasey
Popularity : 7.384
Sergeant Hauser (segment "Homecoming")
Kenta Miyake
Popularity : 29.606
Sarge (segment "Prototype")
Keiji Fujiwara
Popularity : 25.524
Solider (segment "Prototype")
Chris Ayres
Popularity : 0.834
O'Brien (segment "The Babysitter")
Blake Shepard
Popularity : 0.001
1337 (segment "Odd One Out")
Deke Anderson
Popularity : 7.303
Fred (segment "The Package")
Andrew Love
Popularity : 0.582
Han (segment "The Duel")
Kikuko Inoue
Popularity : 20.005
Spartan (segment "The Babysitter")
Mamiko Noto
Popularity : 30.669
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Rob Mungle
Popularity : 0.191
Soldier (segment "Prototype"), Ralph (segment "Homecoming")
Leraldo Anzaldua
Popularity : 0.578
Fal (segment "The Duel") / Arthur (segment "The Package")
John Gremillion
Popularity : 1.663
Houko Kuwashima
Popularity : 20.637
Satomi Sato
Popularity : 27.169
Marine #1
Kenji Takahashi
Popularity : 0.001
Carli Mosier
Popularity : 0.001
Hiroki Touchi
Popularity : 43.166
Jovan Jackson
Popularity : 5.861
Yasunori Matsumoto
Popularity : 41.733
Captain (segment "The Package")
Masashi Ebara
Popularity : 21.545
Cortez (segment "The Babysitter")
Susumu Chiba
Popularity : 17.367
Mama (segment "Odd One Out")
Mika Doi
Popularity : 20.751
Berger (segment "The Babysitter")
George Manley
Popularity : 0.001
Cortez (segment "The Babysitter")
Kalob Martinez
Popularity : 0.001
Kid B (segment "Odd One Out")
Josh Levi
Popularity : 0.001
Haka (segment "The Duel")
Ryuuzaburou Ootomo
Popularity : 16.799
Han (segment "The Duel")
Melissa Davis
Popularity : 0.286
Marine #2 (segment "Homecoming")
Takashi Ohara
Popularity : 21.513
Ralph (segment "Homecoming")
Yasuyuki Kase
Popularity : 25.551
Soldiers (segment "The Duel")
Kenji Akabane
Popularity : 13.907
LAN (segment "Odd One Out")
Tomoko Kaneda
Popularity : 30.562
Doctor Halsey (segment "Homecoming")
Takako Honda
Popularity : 22.27
Narrator (segment "Homecoming")
Marty Fleck
Popularity : 0.001
Joseph (segment "Homecoming")
Atsushi Abe
Popularity : 26.386
ONI Commander (segment "Prototype")
Chris Hutchison
Popularity : 0.001
The Prophet (segment "The Duel")
Todd Postlethwaite
Popularity : 0.86
ONI Officer (segment "The Babysitter")
James Faulkner
Popularity : 0.001
Boatman / Captain (segments "The Duel" / "The Package")
Andy McAvin
Popularity : 2.727
POM (segment "Odd One Out")
Eri Sendai
Popularity : 20.53
Master Chief (segment "Odd One Out")
Atsuki Tani
Popularity : 7.29
Suit Composire Tone (segment "Prototype")
Yui Shoji
Popularity : 4.727
Female Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Ao Takahashi
Popularity : 1.666
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Takahiko Sakaguma
Popularity : 2.456
SAP (segment "Odd One Out")
Reiko Kiuchi
Popularity : 14.416
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Masafumi Kimura
Popularity : 14.6
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Taketoshi Kawano
Popularity : 0.708
Soldiers (segment "The Duel")
Hiromu Miyazaki
Popularity : 6.559
Boatman (segment "The Duel")
Keiji Hirai
Popularity : 11.636
O'Brien (segment "The Babysitter")
Tomo Shigematsu
Popularity : 0.952
Dutch (segment "The Babysitter")
Hajime Iijima
Popularity : 12.977
Checkman (segment "The Babysitter")
Mark Adley
Popularity : 0.001
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Motoyuki Kawahara
Popularity : 1.238
Covenant Major (segment "The Package")
Homer Carroll
Popularity : 0.001
Soldier (segment "Prototype")
Justin Doran
Popularity : 10.466
Cortana (segment "Odd One Out")
Ai Maeda
Popularity : 25.503