The Boneyard Collection
Horror, Comedy
A quirky anthology, consisting of four separate short films connected by host segments. The first one, BOOGIE WITH THE UNDEAD, has an all girl rock band booked to play a gig in a town overrun by flesh-eating zombies. In the second one, THE DEVIL'S DUE AT MIDNIGHT, a coven of beautiful witches conjur ...
Cassandra Peterson
Rachel Melvin
Brad Dourif
Elvira (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Cassandra Peterson
Popularity : 47.073
'Le Petite Sirene' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Rachel Melvin
Popularity : 15.699
The Dark One (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Brad Dourif
Popularity : 39.704
Count Dracula (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Ronn Moss
Popularity : 18.694
Aunt Gloria (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Tippi Hedren
Popularity : 30.576
Vanessa Peabody (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Barbara Steele
Popularity : 17.671
Bob, the Second Director
Robert Loggia
Popularity : 21.575
Jane Torquemada (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Candy Clark
Popularity : 17.627
The Monk (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Kevin McCarthy
Popularity : 19.963
Professor Zebediah Jones (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
George Kennedy
Popularity : 25.087
High Priestess
Susan Tyrrell
Popularity : 15.542
Danielle James
Popularity : 4.11
Amanda (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Girl with Blue Hair (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / McGrislee Sister (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Amanda Jordan
Popularity : 8.754
C.T. (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Jesselynn Desmond
Popularity : 0.406
Dena Wilkinson
Popularity : 0.001
Dr. Acula
Forrest J. Ackerman
Popularity : 3.165
Nicole (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Shelley Winsor
Popularity : 0.001
Andrea Gaspar
Popularity : 0.001
Charisse (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Missy Rae Hansen
Popularity : 0.001
Amber (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Miranda Check
Popularity : 0.001
The Manager (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Bobby Pickett
Popularity : 4.234
Zombie Queen (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Freddi & Tessa (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / McGrislee Sister (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Erica P. Hanson
Popularity : 0.001
Conga Zombie (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Male Vampire Slayer (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / 'Vampire Women in Love' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy") / Hooded Henchman (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
John Pepe
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Wife (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Pretty Girl (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Vanessa Greyshock
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Husband (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Harryhausen Interviewer (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / High Priest (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Brad Linaweaver
Popularity : 3.171
Zombie Woman (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Woman (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Sarah Black
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Woman (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Vampire Against Wall (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Diane King
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Woman (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Elisabeth Perez
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Robert Perales
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Andy Schoenhorn
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Improv Audience (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Spider Subke
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / Hooded Henchman (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
John DeChancie
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Popularity : 0.001
Zombie Man (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Daniel Bell
Popularity : 0.001
Drummer (segment "Boogie with the Undead")
Paul Sticks Devlin
Popularity : 0.001
Narrator (segment "Boogie with the Undead") / 1st AD Glen (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Stapleton (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight") / Narrator (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Del Howison
Popularity : 4.198
Dark Haired Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Nicole Panucci
Popularity : 0.001
Jennifer (segment "Her Morbid Desires") (as Kandis Erickson)
Kandis Fay
Popularity : 10.471
Courtyard Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Nell Rutledge
Popularity : 0.398
Gerry Shah (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Seth Marten
Popularity : 0.001
The Virgin (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Jessica Borden
Popularity : 0.784
Female Vampire Slayer (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Diana Catania
Popularity : 0.001
The Queen's Musicians - Saxophone (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Band of Ghouls (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Jack Lancaster
Popularity : 2.715
The Queen's Musicians - Guitar (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Band of Ghouls (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Peter Atkins
Popularity : 14.398
The Queen's Musicians - Violin (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Andrea Alexandra
Popularity : 0.001
The Queen's Musicians - Guitar (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Michael Milner
Popularity : 0.001
The Queen's Musicians - Uke (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Chris Rogers
Popularity : 0.001
The Queen's Musicians - Drums (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Matt Sells
Popularity : 0.001
The Queen's Musicians - Tambourine (segment "Her Morbid Desires") (as Erica Mychalenko)
Erica Michaelenko
Popularity : 0.001
Queen of the Vampires (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Molly Murphy
Popularity : 0.172
Queen's Pet (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Kelly Rosado
Popularity : 0.001
Rebecca Dalia (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Shawna Baca
Popularity : 0.001
Opium Smoking Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
George Clayton Johnson
Popularity : 2.647
Ouija Board Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / 'Lesions and Chocolate' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Tara Norris
Popularity : 0.001
Leather Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Leanna Chamish
Popularity : 7.211
The Dead Body (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Robert Long II
Popularity : 0.001
Nurse Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Heather Montanez
Popularity : 0.001
Vampire Against Wall (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Fourth Dancing Witch (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight") (as Myta Gomez)
Mayra Gomez
Popularity : 0.001
Male Dancer (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Leigh Foaad
Popularity : 0.001
Bill, the First Director (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
William Smith
Popularity : 19.95
Camera Man (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Mark Montanez
Popularity : 0.001
Cynndi Meadows (segment "Her Morbid Desires") (as Simone Humphris)
Symone Humphris
Popularity : 0.001
Vanessa's Assistant (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Marlene Mc'Cohen
Popularity : 4.502
Theresa (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Denae Cavadias
Popularity : 0.001
Brunette Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Improv Audience (segment "Cry of the Mummy") (as Danielle Renee)
Danielle Arnold
Popularity : 0.001
Dead Body That Comes Alive (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Rebecca Rogers
Popularity : 0.001
Body Model (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Kiki Harbster
Popularity : 0.001
Dead Body (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Kelli Blissard
Popularity : 0.001
Young Screaming Actress (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Princess Nali
Popularity : 0.001
Fighting Vampire (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Madison Warner
Popularity : 0.001
The Trophy Wife (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Hannah Harper
Popularity : 10.99
Ray Harryhausen (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Ray Harryhausen
Popularity : 15.551
Rod McKuen (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Rod McKuen
Popularity : 9.728
Bartender (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Chuck Hammill
Popularity : 0.001
Man at Bar (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Victor Koman
Popularity : 0.001
Starlet (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Ginny Jones
Popularity : 3.822
Pretty Girl (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Summer McClure
Popularity : 0.001
Brinke Stevens (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Brinke Stevens
Popularity : 14.744
Secretary (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Erica Tucker
Popularity : 0.001
Postman (segment "Her Morbid Desires") / Improv Audience (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Lorenzo Loco
Popularity : 0.001
Western Director (segment "Her Morbid Desires")
Edward L. Plumb
Popularity : 1.156
Michael Belvedere (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Stephen L. Burns
Popularity : 0.001
Shep (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Tom Rees
Popularity : 0.001
Hot Dog Vendor (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Oto Brezina
Popularity : 0.418
Woman with Popcorn (segment "Cry of the Mummy") (as Mimi Bloom)
Mishalene Cusseaux
Popularity : 0.001
Arliss (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Jed Rowen
Popularity : 7.959
Lyle (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
John Deall
Popularity : 0.121
Jane's Assistant (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Elizabeth Arnold
Popularity : 0.001
'My Little Chocolate Wedding' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Zenius Muleckis
Popularity : 0.001
'Three Blondes and a Light Bulb' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Tip McPartland
Popularity : 0.001
'The Randy Bunny' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Renita Draper
Popularity : 0.001
'The Virgin Dialogues' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Catherine Pawlak
Popularity : 0.001
'My Sister the Toaster' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy") (as Janelle Toyomi Dote)
Janelle Dote
Popularity : 1.648
'The Long Disease' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
David Dietrich
Popularity : 0.001
'Society without Men' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Angelique Mermet
Popularity : 0.001
'I, Dolphin' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Allison Norris
Popularity : 0.001
'Camp Slash-Away' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Christopher Irwin
Popularity : 0.001
'Antonia's Lyric' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Jenna Allen
Popularity : 0.001
'Le Petite Sirene' Writer (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Elizabeth Anne Plumb
Popularity : 0.001
Woman with Newspaper (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Vaune Kirby Frechette
Popularity : 0.819
Improv Host (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Budd Friedman
Popularity : 3.076
Improv Audience (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Julie Diehl
Popularity : 0.001
Improv Audience (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Sue Dewar
Popularity : 0.001
Autograph Brunette (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Tania Damha
Popularity : 0.001
Hostile Blonde (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Amber Lynn Green
Popularity : 0.001
Lady Who Likes Eggs (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Taffy Morgan
Popularity : 0.001
Commercial Housewife (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Julia Beatty
Popularity : 0.015
Commercial Boy (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Maxson Frechette
Popularity : 0.001
Commercial Girl (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Victoria Rose Plumb
Popularity : 0.001
Lab Tech #2 (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
C. Courtney Joyner
Popularity : 4.105
Mr. Wolverton (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Scott Whitesell
Popularity : 0.001
Byron Styles (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Ken Foree
Popularity : 16.311
Fire-Eating Witch (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight") (as Brandi Bergnon)
Brandi Michelle Bourgon
Popularity : 0.001
Green-Haired Witch (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Lisa Armstrong
Popularity : 0.001
Bi-Polar Witch (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Kelly Lyons
Popularity : 0.001
Dancing Vampire (as Cheryl Sands)
Cheryl Bonty
Popularity : 0.001
Film Director (segment "Cry of the Mummy")
Tony Devon
Popularity : 16.683
Wayne Kramer (segment "The Devil's Due at Midnight")
Wayne Kramer
Popularity : 6.395
Irish Screenwriter
Jessie Lilley
Popularity : 0.001
Dancing Vampire
Jessica Mathews
Popularity : 0.001
Agent (as Delpano Wills)
Delpaneaux Wills
Popularity : 4.381