Above Suspicion
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe. ...
Joan Crawford
Fred MacMurray
Conrad Veidt

Frances Myles
Joan Crawford
Popularity : 0.448

Richard Myles
Fred MacMurray
Popularity : 0.39

Hassert Seidel
Conrad Veidt
Popularity : 0.228

Sig von Aschenhausen
Basil Rathbone
Popularity : 0.463

Dr. Mespelbrunn
Reginald Owen
Popularity : 0.286

Peter Galt
Richard Ainley
Popularity : 0.054

Cecil Cunningham
Popularity : 0.084

Aunt Ellen
Ann Shoemaker
Popularity : 0.107

Aunt Hattie
Sara Haden
Popularity : 0.121

Mr. A. Werner
Felix Bressart
Popularity : 0.147

Bruce Lester
Popularity : 0.112

Frau Kleist
Johanna Hofer
Popularity : 0.048
Lotte Palfi Andor
Popularity : 0.044
Student (Uncredited)
George Aldwin
Popularity : 0.001
German Woman (Uncredited)
Edit Angold
Popularity : 0.034
Poet at Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Frank Arnold
Popularity : 0.001

Guide (Uncredited)
Felix Basch
Popularity : 0.02
German Boy (Uncredited)
Frederick Bauer
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Eumenio Blanco
Popularity : 0.137
German Guard (Uncredited)
Walter Bonn
Popularity : 0.001

German Guard (Uncredited)
Sven Hugo Borg
Popularity : 0.017
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Nina Borget
Popularity : 0.007

Constable Jones (Uncredited)
Matthew Boulton
Popularity : 0.062
Fat Dowager Dancing with Hassert (Uncredited)
Helen Boyce
Popularity : 0.02
German Boy (Uncredited)
Frank Brand
Popularity : 0.001

Gestapo Official (Uncredited)
Egon Brecher
Popularity : 0.028

Italian Border Sentry (Uncredited)
Anthony Caruso
Popularity : 0.439

Paris Cafe Manager (Uncredited)
André Charlot
Popularity : 0.006
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Sonia Charsky
Popularity : 0.001

Paris Cloakroom Attendant (Uncredited)
Jack Chefe
Popularity : 0.108
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Yvonne Chenal
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Michael Chudley
Popularity : 0.001

Paris Hotel Maid (Uncredited)
Marcelle Corday
Popularity : 0.043

Man in Museum (Uncredited)
Jules Cowles
Popularity : 0.049
Gestapo Officer in Schultz's Laboratory (uncredited)
Julius Cramer
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Antonio D'Amore
Popularity : 0.001
Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
Albert D'Arno
Popularity : 0.001
Gestapo Soldier (Uncredited)
Jacob Dance
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Seraphime Davidoff
Popularity : 0.001

Proprietor (Uncredited)
George Davis
Popularity : 0.188

Hans (Uncredited)
William 'Wee Willie' Davis
Popularity : 0.052
Chasseur (Uncredited)
Charles De Ravenne
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Ray De Ravenne
Popularity : 0.001
Italian Sentry (Uncredited)
Joseph DeVillard
Popularity : 0.001

Gestapo Officer in Schultz's Laboratory (Uncredited)
Ludwig Donath
Popularity : 0.205
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Arthur Dulac
Popularity : 0.008
Barmaid (Uncredited)
Gretl Dupont
Popularity : 0.029

Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
Hans Fuerberg
Popularity : 0.002

Anton the Woodcarver (Uncredited)
Steven Geray
Popularity : 0.319
German Border Guard (Uncredited)
Frederick Giermann
Popularity : 0.02
Gestapo Chief (Uncredited)
George Glagori
Popularity : 0.001
Chauffeur (Uncredited)
Henry Glynn
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Albert Godderis
Popularity : 0.001

Frau Schultz (Uncredited)
Lisa Golm
Popularity : 0.067
Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
Henry Guttman
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Barry Heenan
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Harold Hensen
Popularity : 0.001

Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Isabel La Mal
Popularity : 0.068

Arab Vendor in Paris (Uncredited)
Frank Lackteen
Popularity : 0.061

Student (Uncredited)
Peter Lawford
Popularity : 0.35
Student (Uncredited)
David Lennox
Popularity : 0.001
Museum Guide (Uncredited)
Adolf E. Licho
Popularity : 0.056

Walmer Hotel Proprietess (Uncredited)
Eily Malyon
Popularity : 0.107
Student (Uncredited)
Sam McCullough
Popularity : 0.001

Spectator at Museum (Uncredited)
Frank McLure
Popularity : 0.085
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Chris Marie Meeker
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Edwin Mills
Popularity : 0.007
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Sandra Morgan
Popularity : 0.001
German Boy (Uncredited)
Steven Muller
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Clive Murdock
Popularity : 0.001

Gestapo Man (Uncredited)
Kurt Neumann
Popularity : 0.161

German Cafe Patron (Uncredited)
Barry Norton
Popularity : 0.17
Student (Uncredited)
Cliffe Oland
Popularity : 0.001
Man in Paris (Uncredited)
Alex Papana
Popularity : 0.001

Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Manuel París
Popularity : 0.052
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Albert Petit
Popularity : 0.001
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Nita Pike
Popularity : 0.026
English Girl (Uncredited)
Jean Prescott
Popularity : 0.001
Student (Uncredited)
Horace Pressel
Popularity : 0.001

Colonel Gerold (Uncredited)
Frank Reicher
Popularity : 0.149

Gestapo Officer in Opera Box (Uncredited)
Otto Reichow
Popularity : 0.14
Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
John Rice
Popularity : 0.002

Officer at Border (Uncredited)
Lionel Royce
Popularity : 0.031

Gestapo Officer in Opera Box (Uncredited)
Ferdinand Schumann-Heink
Popularity : 0.024
Dreikirchen Guard (Uncredited)
Hans Schumm
Popularity : 0.025
Colonel Gerold's Aide (Uncredited)
Peter Seal
Popularity : 0.001

German Woman (Uncredited)
Irene Seidner
Popularity : 0.008

Walmer Hotel Porter (Uncredited)
Arthur Shields
Popularity : 0.221

Porter in Oxford (Uncredited)
Ivan F. Simpson
Popularity : 0.094
Policeman (Uncredited)
Walter O. Stahl
Popularity : 0.001
Gestapo Officer in Opera Box (Uncredited)
Robert R. Stephenson
Popularity : 0.055

Herr Schultz the Innsbruck Forger (Uncredited)
Ludwig Stössel
Popularity : 0.148

English Girl Dancing with Richard (Uncredited)
Heather Thatcher
Popularity : 0.071
Patron in Frisky Rabbit (Uncredited)
Albano Valerio
Popularity : 0.001
Nazi Girl (Uncredited)
Lisl Valetti
Popularity : 0.001
Gestapo Officer in Bookstore (Uncredited)
John Van Eyck
Popularity : 0.001

Aschenhausen Henchman Kurt (Uncredited)
Philip Van Zandt
Popularity : 0.202
Colonel Gerold's Aide (Uncredited)
Nicholas Vehr
Popularity : 0.001

Gestapo Officer (Uncredited)
Ernö Verebes
Popularity : 0.07

German Office (Uncredited)
Henry Victor
Popularity : 0.11
Schmidt the Dreikirchen Guard (Uncredited)
Hans von Morhart
Popularity : 0.023
Symphony Conductor (Uncredited)
Leonard Walker
Popularity : 0.001

Elderly Man (Uncredited)
Paul Weigel
Popularity : 0.08
Woman at Kleist's Hotel (Uncredited)
Gisela Werbisek
Popularity : 0.006
Waiter (Uncredited)
Max Willenz
Popularity : 0.026

Gestapo Leader (Uncredited)
Rex Williams
Popularity : 0.068
Cook (Uncredited)
Hans Wollenberger
Popularity : 0.001
German Captain at Italian Border (Uncredited)
William Yetter Sr.
Popularity : 0.004