The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins
The Magnificent Seven Deadly Sins is a 1971 British comedy film directed and produced by Graham Stark. Its title is a conflation of The Magnificent Seven and the seven deadly sins. It comprises a sequence of seven sketches, each representing a sin and written by an array of British comedy-writing ta ...
Spike Milligan
Marty Feldman
Leslie Phillips
Tramp (segment "Sloth")
Spike Milligan
Popularity : 8.669
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Marty Feldman
Popularity : 14.105
Dickie (segment "Gluttony")
Leslie Phillips
Popularity : 6.668
Ambrose (segment "Lust")
Harry H. Corbett
Popularity : 2.244
Receptionist (segment "Lust")
Yvonne Paul
Popularity : 0.657
Clayton (segment "Avarice")
Bruce Forsyth
Popularity : 3.215
Nude Girl
Felicity Devonshire
Popularity : 6.46
Elsinore (segment "Avarice")
Paul Whitsun-Jones
Popularity : 3.718
Mr. Violet (segment "Avarice")
Bernard Bresslaw
Popularity : 3.992
Policewoman (segment "Avarice")
Joan Sims
Popularity : 10.762
Fisherman (segment "Avarice")
Roy Hudd
Popularity : 2.039
Petrol Attendant (segment "Avarice")
Julie Samuel
Popularity : 0.522
Vanessa (segment "Avarice")
Cheryl Hall
Popularity : 3.837
Chloe (segment "Avarice")
Suzanne Heath
Popularity : 0.001
Stanley (segment "Envy")
Harry Secombe
Popularity : 8.144
Vernon (segment "Envy")
Geoffrey Bayldon
Popularity : 9.153
Mildred (segment "Envy")
June Whitfield
Popularity : 3.65
Vera (segment "Envy")
Carmel Cryan
Popularity : 0.542
Ingrid (segment "Gluttony")
Julie Ege
Popularity : 8.473
Doctor (segment "Gluttony")
Patrick Newell
Popularity : 3.362
Woman (segment "Gluttony")
Rosemarie Reede
Popularity : 0.4
Secretary (segment "Gluttony")
Sarah Golding
Popularity : 0.001
Photographer (segment "Gluttony")
Bob Guccione
Popularity : 1.191
'Penthouse Pet' (segment "Gluttony")
Tina McDowall
Popularity : 0.001
Greta (segment "Lust")
Cheryl Kennedy
Popularity : 1.019
Cockney Man (segment "Lust")
Bill Pertwee
Popularity : 2.686
Charlady (segment "Lust")
Mary Baxter
Popularity : 0.001
Blonde (segment "Lust")
Anouska Hempel
Popularity : 4.342
Boy Friend (segment "Lust")
Kenneth Earle
Popularity : 0.001
Thin Girl (segment "Lust")
Nicole Yerna
Popularity : 0.001
Girl with Glasses (segment "Lust")
Sue Bond
Popularity : 2.476
Mr. Ferris (segment "Pride")
Ian Carmichael
Popularity : 2.588
Mr. Spencer (segment "Pride")
Alfie Bass
Popularity : 4.683
Mrs. Ferris (segment "Pride")
Audrey Nicholson
Popularity : 0.922
Mrs. Spencer (segment "Pride")
Sheila Bernette
Popularity : 0.333
A.A. Man (segment "Pride")
Robert Gillespie
Popularity : 1.025
R.A.C. Man (segment "Pride")
Keith Smith
Popularity : 0.651
Policeman (segment "Pride")
Ivor Dean
Popularity : 5.092
Porter (segment "Sloth")
Melvyn Hayes
Popularity : 3.299
Costermonger (segment "Sloth")
Ronnie Brody
Popularity : 0.944
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Ronnie Barker
Popularity : 4.136
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Peter Butterworth
Popularity : 3.742
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Davy Kaye
Popularity : 5.415
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
David Lodge
Popularity : 4.093
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Cardew Robinson
Popularity : 2.023
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth")
Madeline Smith
Popularity : 5.957
George (segment "Wrath")
Ronald Fraser
Popularity : 4.906
Jarvis (segment "Wrath")
Stephen Lewis
Popularity : 3.516
Kenneth (segment "Wrath")
Arthur Howard
Popularity : 3.741
Dolly Typist (segment "Lust") (uncredited)
Dawn Beret
Popularity : 0.5
Driver (segment "Pride") (uncredited)
Brian Estabrook
Popularity : 0.059
Guest Appearance (segment "Sloth") (uncredited)
Graham Stark
Popularity : 4.473