Florence Faivre

Florence Faivre grew up in the town of Aix-en-Provence in the south of France. Early in her adolescence, her and her family moved to Bangkok, Thailand. Florence started her career in show business there at the age of 13. She was the regular host of two Thai television shows, "Teentalk" and "E for Teens", while also hosting countless programs as a guest presenter for international television shows throughout South East Asia. Then in 2002, in her final year of high school, Florence was chosen to ...

Known For
2020 -- The Assent |
2018 -- American Mirror - Intimations of Immortality | Muse
2018 -- Sad Beauty | Yo
2008 -- The Coffin | Nan
2006 -- The Elephant King | Lek
2005 -- Chok Dee: The Kickboxer | Kim
2004 -- The Siam Renaissance | Maneechan
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