Alfred Lynch

Alfred Cornelius Lynch (26 January 1931 – 16 December 2003) was a British actor on stage, film and television. Lynch was born in Whitechapel, London, the son of a plumber. After attending a Roman Catholic school, he worked in a draughtsman's office before entering national service. Then, whilst working in a factory, he attended theatre acting evening classes, at which he met his life partner, James Culliford. In 1958 he joined the Royal Court Theatre and acted in a number of plays. After 1960 ...

Known For
1994 -- Second Best | Edward
1992 -- The Secret Agent | The Professor
1991 -- Until the End of the World | Old Man Alfred
1990 -- The Krays | Charlie Kray Snr
1989 -- Doctor Who: The Curse of Fenric | Commander Millington
1983 -- The Oresteia | Aegisthus
1983 -- Bewitched | Saul Rutledge
1983 -- On the Razzle | Weinberl
1981 -- Loophole | Harry
1973 -- The Blockhouse | Larshen
1968 -- The Sea Gull | Semyon Medvedenko
1968 -- Your Name's Not God, It's Edgar |
1968 -- House of Character | Bisthorpe
1967 -- The Taming of the Shrew | Tranio
1965 -- The Hill | George Stevens
1965 -- Horror of Darkness | Peter
1964 -- Prisoner and Escort | Jupp
1963 -- West 11 | Joe Beckett
1963 -- 55 Days at Peking | Gerald (uncredited)
1962 -- The Password Is Courage | Corporal Bill Pope
1962 -- Two and Two Make Six | Thomas 'Tom' Ernest Bennett
1961 -- Already It's Tomorrow | Unnamed Man
1961 -- On the Fiddle | Horace Pope
1959 -- Look Back in Anger | 2nd Commercial Traveller
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