Sergei Martinson


Known For
1984 -- And Life, and Tears and Love | Yegoshkin
1981 -- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 2 | Mr. Frankland
1981 -- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles - Part 1 | Mr. Frankland
1981 -- The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles | Mr. Frankland
1979 -- About a Puppy | The Raven (voice)
1978 -- The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel | Sir Want
1978 -- Armed and Very Dangerous |
1978 -- Yaroslavna, Queen of France | Episkop Rozhe
1976 -- Про дракона на балконе, про ребят и самокат | Сергей Васильевич
1975 -- Бенефис Ларисы Голубкиной |
1974 -- Big Attraction | Grandpa Matvei
1974 -- Толик и Тобик | (voice)
1974 -- The Cities and the Years |
1974 -- Бенефис Сергея Мартинсона |
1973 -- Летние сны |
1973 -- The Adventures of Mowgli | Tabaqui (voice)
1973 -- Beetle - Crooked Hill | (vioce)
1972 -- Ruslan and Ludmila | Ambassador
1971 -- The Love of Three Oranges | Korol
1971 -- How the Donkey Sought Happiness | The Lamb (voice)
1971 -- Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind | Tabaqui (voice)
1970 -- In the Kingdom of Far Far Away |
1970 -- Time for Lucky Finds |
1970 -- The Most Important | Tailor (voice)
1970 -- Adventures of Mowgli: The Fight | Tabaqui (voice)
1969 -- The Beauty | Lonely Old Man (as Sergejus Martinsonas)
1969 -- 13 orders | pozhiloy chelovek - meloman
1969 -- Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt | Tabaqui (voice)
1968 -- Улыбнись соседу |
1968 -- Калиф-аист |
1968 -- Half A Hour For Miracles | Abrikadabr
1968 -- Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping | Tabaqui (voice)
1967 -- Uncle's Dream | князь Гаврила - дядюшка Мозглякова
1967 -- The Tale of Tsar Saltan | Opekun Saltana
1967 -- Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha | Tabaqui (voice)
1965 -- The Sleeping Lion |
1965 -- The Tale of Malchish-Kibalchish | дядина 518
1965 -- You Can't See What You Have Seen | Prince Boris
1965 -- Thirty-three | Valentin Petrovich, Roza's father
1964 -- The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep | Tin general (voice)
1964 -- Moscow – Genova |
1964 -- The Bicycle Tamers | Георг Сибуль - старый гонщик
1964 -- A Tale of Lost Times | Prokoifi
1964 -- Thumbelina | (voice)
1963 -- Daughter of the Sun | (voice)
1962 -- The Wild Swans | The Monk (voice)
1962 -- Funny Stories | дядя с собакой
1961 -- Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka | Осип Никифорович, дьяк
1961 -- Valuable Kopeck | Cent (voice)
1961 -- Wind of Freedom | tavern keeper
1961 -- Scarlet Sails | Filipp
1961 -- First Time in the Circus Arena | Puddle (voice)
1961 -- The Key | Dragon head III(voice)
1961 -- Cipollino | prince Lemon / Soldiers Limonchiki (voice)
1960 -- Спасите наши души |
1960 -- A Sober Sparrow |
1960 -- It Was I Who Drew the Little Man | человечек, нарисованный мелом / восьминогое животное
1960 -- Golden Feather | Court man (voice, uncredited)
1960 -- Proizvedenie iskusstva | Иван Николаевич, доктор
1960 -- The Fox, the Beaver and Others |
1959 -- Black Sea Girl | Omelskiy
1959 -- В нашем городе |
1959 -- The Legend of the Moor's Inheritance | Barber (voice)
1958 -- The Boy from Napoli | Smart horse (voice)
1958 -- The Idiot | Lebedev
1958 -- The Secret of the Far Away Island | The Doctor (voice) (as V. Martinson) / Доктор (в титрах указан как В. Мартинсон)
1958 -- The Cat's House | Cock (voice)
1958 -- Petia and Little Red Riding Hood | Narrator (voice)
1957 -- The Snow Queen | Karraks (voice)
1956 -- A Million in the Sach | Detective / Narrator (voice)
1956 -- The Sword and the Dragon | Mishatychka
1956 -- Crazy Day | Miusov
1956 -- Little Shego | Hyena (voice, uncredited)
1955 -- The Enchanted Boy | Rat (voice)
1954 -- A Goat-Musician | Donkey (voice, uncredited)
1954 -- The Signature Is Illegible | Rat (voice, uncredited)
1953 -- Attack from the Sea | Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies
1953 -- The Painted Fox | Fox (voice, uncredited)
1953 -- The Magic Voyage of Sinbad | The Monk
1951 -- Przhevalsky |
1951 -- The Unforgettable Year 1919 | Sluzhashchiy ministerstva
1950 -- The Second Caravan |
1949 -- The Lion and the Hare | Hare (voice, uncredited)
1949 -- Polcan and Shavka | Shavka (voice)
1948 -- The Third Blow | Adolf Hitler
1948 -- Champion | The Wolf (voice, uncredited)
1948 -- Fedia Zaitsev | Animal (voice)
1947 -- Secret Agent | Willi Pommer
1945 -- The Lost Letter | witch (voice)
1944 -- Silva | Boni
1944 -- Wedding | Ять (телеграфист)
1943 -- We from the Urals |
1943 -- The New Adventures of Schweik |
1943 -- Lermontov | Baron de Barante
1943 -- Teacher Kartashova |
1942 -- The Magic Seed |
1942 -- Young Partisans |
1942 -- Швейк готовится к бою |
1941 -- Collection of Films for the Armed Forces #6 | Нази - пилот (новелла "Ненависть")
1941 -- Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry | Kerosinov, composer
1940 -- Wind from East | Stefan
1940 -- Ivas |
1939 -- The Golden Key | Duremar
1939 -- Stepan Razin | Fyodor Shpyn
1938 -- Friends From the Camp |
1934 -- Marionettes | Sol - The Hairdresser
1932 -- Diary of a Revolutionist | Col. Belov
1926 -- The Overcoat | портной Петрович
1924 -- The Adventures of Oktyabrina | Coolidge Kerzonovich Poincaré
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