Peter Fleischmann

Peter Fleischmann (26 July 1937 – 11 August 2021) was a German film director, screenwriter and producer. He worked also as an actor, cutter, sound engineer, interviewer and speaker. Fleischmann belonged to the New German Cinema of the 1960s and 1970s. He is known for directing the 1969 Jagdszenen aus Niederbayern (Hunting Scenes from Bavaria), but he produced films of many genres. Peter Fleischmann was born in Zweibrücken. He studied at the Deutsches Institut für Film und Fernsehen (German Inst ...

Known For
2010 -- Mythos Metropolis | Self
2006 -- Mein Freund, der Mörder | Himself
1990 -- Russian adventure. Peter Fleischmann is filming "It's not easy to be a god." | Self
1987 -- Der Al Capone von der Pfalz | Himself
1984 -- Frevel | Lohmann
1969 -- Al Capone im deutschen Wald | o.A.
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