Scott Irwin

Scott K. Irwin was an American professional wrestler. He was best known for his tag team with his brother Barney "Bill" Irwin. After training under Verne Gagne in 1975, Irwin debuted for the AWA on March 13, 1976 in Davenport, Iowa, going to a time limit draw with another rookie, Dick Blood (in one of his first matches), later to become famous as Ricky Steamboat. He mainly wrestled preliminary matches until June 1976 when he left for Georgia Championship Wrestling where he stayed until the spri ...

Known For
2006 -- Heroes of World Class | Super Destoyer I
1987 -- The Best of the WWF: volume 14 | Eric
1985 -- Pro Wrestling USA Star Wars: December 1984 | Scott "Hog" Irwin
1985 -- AWA Super Clash | Scott "Hog" Irwin
1985 -- AWA Wrestling For a Cure | Himself
1984 -- WCCW Parade of Champions | Super Destroyer #1
1983 -- WCCW Christmas Star Wars '83 | Super Destroyer #1
1983 -- WCCW Thanksgiving Star Wars '83 | Super Destroyer #2
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