Karen Lancaume

Born Karen Bach outside of Lyon, France, Karen Lancaume came from a wealthy family. The bi-racial beauty (French father, Moroccan mother) married at 17 while she was attending college. Even though her husband was a disc jockey and she worked weekends at a nightclub to make ends meet, the couple was soon awash in debt. They saw an opportunity to make a good amount of money quickly by performing in porn films, and in 1996 they both entered the industry. Unfortunately, the marriage didn't last past ...

Known For
2018 -- Dorcel Girls | (archive footage)
2014 -- Das Sperma deines Feindes |
2013 -- Between Ladies | (archive footage)
2009 -- 30th Anniversary 2 | (archive footage)
2009 -- 30th Anniversary | (archive footage)
2009 -- Uniformes Deluxe Anthology | (archive footage)
2007 -- Laure Sainclair Infinity | (archive footage)
2005 -- Full Service - All inclusive |
2002 -- Una vita in vendita |
2001 -- Lady Chérie |
2000 -- Hot Sex on the Riviera |
2000 -- Baise-moi | Nadine
2000 -- Das Sommerfest |
2000 -- Entre femmes | (archive footage)
2000 -- Hotdorix |
2000 -- Alta borghesia |
2000 -- Les Interdits de la Gyneco | Le docteur Lancaume
2000 -- Natural Born Fuckers |
2000 -- Extravagances |
1999 -- Abdul El Muriad | Alessia
1999 -- 4 Filles De Leur Pere | Herself
1999 -- Koyack |
1999 -- Demoni |
1999 -- Danila Visconti |
1999 -- Affairs of Desire |
1999 -- Le principe de plaisir |
1999 -- Inferno |
1999 -- Acteurs porno en analyse |
1999 -- Il residence della vergogna |
1998 -- The Panty Thief |
1998 -- Lili | Girl of Casino
1998 -- La Chiesa del Peccato |
1998 -- Necrofilia |
1998 -- Racconti dall'Oltretomba |
1998 -- Sacro e Profano |
1998 -- Fuga dall'Albania |
1998 -- Fantasmes interdits |
1998 -- The Marionette | Bruno's girlfriend
1998 -- Masquerade | Maid in the bordello
1998 -- Exhibition 99 |
1997 -- La maledizione del castello |
1997 -- When the Night Falls |
1997 -- ...così come piace a me |
1997 -- Diavolo Rosa |
1997 -- Bourgeoisie Violated |
1997 -- Helen's Revanche - Villa Der Lüste |
1997 -- Serve della vergogna |
1997 -- Prête à tout jeune femme cherche appartement |
1997 -- Feminine Confession 1 |
1997 -- Samtkatzen |
1997 -- Papà ti scopo tua moglie |
1997 -- Le novizie | The Bisex Girl
1997 -- Don Tonino |
1997 -- Hot Riders |
1997 -- Cindy | Veronica
1997 -- Nurse's Diary | Vera
1997 -- Antefutura |
1997 -- Hip Hip Giu gli Slip |
1997 -- Sexe en eaux trouble 1 & 2 |
1997 -- Praying Mantis |
1997 -- Le Maître Chanteur 2 |
1990 -- Clinica per Signore |
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