Anton Karastoyanov

Anton Mitev Karastoyanov was a Bulgarian actor. He was born on April 14, 1939 in Elhovo, Bulgaria. He graduated National Academy for Theatre and Film Art, Sofia, Bulgaria in 1966 with a degree in "acting". He worked in the Gabrovo Drama Theater, in Satire Theater and in the National Theatre. Anton was called by friends and colleagues "Tony the Wrinkle". Viewers have remembered his roles in "The Boy is going", "Tattoo", "Perverse Man", "Love", "Glow over Drava", "Rural Area", "Buna", "Daughter in ...

Known For
1990 -- Entrance to Labyrinth | Brant
1988 -- Time of Violence | Shaban Shebil
1987 -- The Thirteenth Bride of the Prince | Anton Karastojanow
1984 -- The Goat Horn | Krogh
1978 -- A Roof |
1977 -- Gunpowder | Shtrakleto
1977 -- Unterwegs nach Atlantis | Salesperson
1976 -- Daughter-in-Law | Kazalbasha
1976 -- The Bride with the Most Beautiful Eyes | Musician
1976 -- To Eat the Apple |
1975 -- Villa Zone | Pervazov
1974 -- The Dragon | peasant
1974 -- My Father, the Painter | poor man
1973 -- Maverick | Dragan, the maverick
1973 -- The White Odyssey |
1973 -- Men Without Work | Tzanko
1972 -- The Boy Turns Man | Kamenov
1972 -- Love | Kostov
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