Paul Slabolepszy

Paul Slabolepszy (born 1948) is an English-born South African playwright and actor best known for his seminal play (and later feature film) Saturday Night at the Palace (1987), which he also starred in. He was a founder member of The Space Theatre, South Africa's first non-racial theatre company, with Athol Fugard, Yvonne Bryceland and John Kani in 1972. He was also a founder member of world renowned Market Theatre in Johannesburg, together with Mannie Manim and Barney Simon, in 1976. He crea ...

Known For
2008 -- Vaatjie gets owned | Smuggler
2006 -- Running Riot | Crispin Wentzel
1999 -- Heel Against the Head | Crispin Wentzel
1991 -- Taxi to Soweto | Hotel Manager
1990 -- Reason to Die | Kyle Bellows
1987 -- Saturday Night at the Palace |
1985 -- Wild Maneuvres | The Horror
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